Here you will learn what kind of tools is used to create my pictures. I will also try to uncover true fundamentals of how apparatuses operate and what are deliberately or by ignorance created marketing delusion and nonsense.
In the series of following articles, based on my own experience and as my time permits, I will try to explain many basic issues around quality and functions of professional photography technology.
I hope that these stories will lead you at ease, in an understandable and logic way to a little bit different view of the world :-)
All my pictures were captured by the classic medium-format cameras for 120 or 220 roll film. Since 1990 I have used the well-established Hasselblad V-System cameras coupled with Zeiss lenses, equipped with mechanical leaf shutters: practically, excepting a few of older CF models, full group of the last CFE or CFi series lenses, including both excellent superachromats CFE 5.6/250 and CFE 5.6/350. Among many of my cameras there is also the indispensable Flexbody, for reaching the required depth of field. The last highlight of my equipment has become the under pressure film backs for the 220 rollfilm, considerably improving quality of photographs. They have opened possibility of the trouble free full-aperture shooting by the all my lenses and utilization of the full performance of my superachromats. These backs are my own self-made improvement of technology. My workflow counts also the modified film scanner Nikon LS 9000 and the extremely powerful computer. The safe data storage supports the number of RAID arrays disposing over 10TB disk capacity, because each of the scans takes just about 500MB. Three high-end calibrated graphic LCD monitors EIZO CG 211 support the visual interface. I make the final prints by the Ultrachrome K3 pigments on “8-color ink technology” 44 inch printer Epson Stylus Pro 9800, controlled by the RIP Efi Colorproof XF.
I still do not use any digital camera or professional digital back because they do not reach the required dimensions and quality. Unfortunately, for the marketing reasons, the technological development is globally retarded in this branch.