The price – Professional Photographer of the Year – for a photographer from the Czech Republic.
The photographer Ladislav Kamarád has been awarded the “European QEP Photographer of the Year 2005”. The Italian association SIAF, supported by the Federation of European Professional Photographers, resident in Brussels, honoured him. Ladislav Kamarád is among 157 European photographers–owners (11 Czech photographers only) of this prestigious certificate connected with the degree QEP (Qualified European Photographer). Candidates of the price are rewarded by the FEP numbering 19 national associations of the European Professional Photographers. The degree QEP is given by the international commission assembled from the top European photographers. It takes five years old tradition only, that one QEP owner is nominated for the title “Photographer of the Year”. The photographs that undergo judging must answer the highest professional standards including a personal contribution of the author.
On 14th March 2005 Ladislav Kamarád was rewarded at International Congress of Professional Photographers in Italian Orvieto. This declaration is also the international reward for the quality of Czech photography at all. The closer contact with photographs of Ladislav Kamarád you can get on